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来源:Linux二进制      时间:2023-07-27 16:31:01







Graphviz(Graph Visualization Software)是一个由AT&T实验室启动的开源工具包,能够支持基于 DOT 脚本,文件扩展名通常是 .gv 或 .dot 的描述绘制图形。DOT 是一种文本图形描述语言,将生成的图形转换成多种输出格式的命令行工具,其输出格式包括PostScript,PDF,SVG,PNG,含注解的文本等。DOT 本身非常原始,提供了一种非常简单的描述图形的方法,同时意味着可以在命令行终端使用,或者被其它编程语言调用(Graphviz 就可以作为一个库使用)。这一点非常关键,基于 Graphviz 应用开发者不必掌握布局的复杂算法,而是可以把精力放在业务方面,将最后的图对象交给绘图引擎来处理即可。

yum install graphviz -y


yum install eog -y




#!/usr/bin/python3import os,reprefix = """digraph spdk {    graph [        rankdir = "LR"        //splines=polyline        //overlap=false    ];    node [        fontsize = "16"        shape = "ellipse"\r    ];    edge [    ];"""middle_str = ""edge_list = []edge_string = ""cur_indentation_level = 0space4 = "    "space8 = space4 + space4space12 = space4 + space8space16 = space4 + space12node_database = {}node_database["created"] = []color_arrary = ["red", "green", "blue", "black","blueviolet","brown", "cadetblue","chocolate","crimson","cyan","darkgrey","deeppink",data_structwith open(r"/tmp/713/data_struct", "r") as file_input:    tmpline = file_input.readline()    while(tmpline):        tmpline = re.sub(r"([^a-zA-Z0-9]const )", " ", tmpline)        #for match :struct device {        if re.search(r"struct\s*([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*\{", tmpline):            m = re.search(r"struct\s*([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*\{", tmpline)            cur_indentation_level += 1            if (cur_indentation_level == 1):                node_name =  m.group(1)                node_str = space4 + "\"" + node_name + "\" [\n" + space8 + "label = \" "+ node_name +"\l|\n" + space12 + "{|{\n"                node_database["created"].append(node_name)                try:                    node_database[node_name]["node_str"] = node_str                except:                    node_database[node_name] = {}                    node_database[node_name]["node_str"] = node_str        #for match :struct device        *parent;        elif re.search(r"struct\s*([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*(\**)(\s*)([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*;", tmpline) and cur_indentation_level > 0:            m = re.search(r"struct\s*([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*(\**)(\s*)([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*;", tmpline)            member_type = m.group(1)            node_database[node_name]["node_str"] += space16 + "<"+ member_type + "> " + m.group(2) +  m.group(3) +  m.group(4) + "\l|\n"            try:                node_database[member_type]["included_by"].append(node_name)            except:                try:                    node_database[member_type]["included_by"] = []                    node_database[member_type]["included_by"].append(node_name)                except:                    node_database[member_type] = {}                    node_database[member_type]["included_by"] = []                    node_database[member_type]["included_by"].append(node_name)            #print("%s included by %s"%(member_type, node_database[member_type]["included_by"]))            if(member_type in node_database["created"]):                tmp_edge_str = space4 + node_name + ":" + member_type + " -> " + member_type + ":" + "head"                if not tmp_edge_str in edge_list:                    edge_list.append(tmp_edge_str)        #for match : void *driver_data;        elif re.search(r"\s*[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+\s*(\**[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*;", tmpline) and cur_indentation_level > 0:            m = re.search(r"\s*[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+\s*(\**[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*;", tmpline)            node_database[node_name]["node_str"] += space16 + "<"+ m.group(1) + "> " + m.group(1) +  "\l|\n"        #for match:const char        *init_name;        elif re.search(r"(.*)\s+(\**)(\s*)([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+\s*);", tmpline) and cur_indentation_level > 0:            m = re.search(r"(.*)\s+(\**)(\s*)([0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+\s*);", tmpline)            node_database[node_name]["node_str"] += space16 + "<"+ m.group(2) + "> " + m.group(2) + m.group(3) + m.group(4) +  "\l|\n"        #for match:int *(*runtime_idle)(struct device *dev);        elif re.search(r"\s*[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+\s*\**\s*\(\s*(\**\s*[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*\)\s*\([^\)]*\)\s*;", tmpline) and cur_indentation_level > 0:            m = re.search(r"\s*[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+\s*\**\s*\(\s*(\**\s*[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+)\s*\)\s*\([^\)]*\)\s*;", tmpline)            node_database[node_name]["node_str"] += space16 + "<"+ m.group(1) + "> (" + m.group(1) + ")\l|\n"        #for match: };        elif re.search(r"\s*\}\s*;", tmpline):            if(cur_indentation_level >= 1):                cur_indentation_level -= 1                if (cur_indentation_level == 0):                    node_database[node_name]["node_str"] += space12 + "}}\"\n"                    node_database[node_name]["node_str"] += space8 + "shape = \"record\"\n" + space4 + "];\n"                    if "included_by" in node_database[node_name]:                        for parent_node in node_database[node_name]["included_by"]:                            if parent_node in node_database["created"]:                                tmp_edge_str = space4 + parent_node + ":" + node_name + " -> " + node_name + ":" + "head"                                if not tmp_edge_str in edge_list:                                    edge_list.append(tmp_edge_str)        tmpline = file_input.readline()for tmpnode in node_database["created"]:    middle_str = middle_str + node_database[tmpnode]["node_str"]for i, tmpstr in enumerate(edge_list):    edge_string += tmpstr + "[color="" + color_arrary[i%len(color_arrary)] + ""]\n"print(prefix + middle_str + "\n" + edge_string + "}")



(2)把python脚本中保存数据结构的文件路径(/tmp/713/data_struct )替换为自己的保存数据结构的文件路径(可自行修改脚本,通过参数传入文件路径);


python3 analysis_dt.py > tmpfiledot -Tsvg tmpfile -o xxx.svg



dot -Tsvg tmpfile -o xxx.png即可生成xxx.png图片。


struct ovsdb {    char *name;    struct ovsdb_schema *schema;    struct ovsdb_storage *storage; /* If nonnull, log for transactions. */    struct uuid prereq;    struct ovs_list monitors;   /* Contains "struct ovsdb_monitor"s. */    struct shash tables;        /* Contains "struct ovsdb_table *"s. */    /* Triggers. */    struct ovs_list triggers;   /* Contains "struct ovsdb_trigger"s. */    bool run_triggers;    bool run_triggers_now;    struct ovsdb_table *rbac_role;    /* History trasanctions for incremental monitor transfer. */    bool need_txn_history;     /* Need to maintain history of transactions. */    unsigned int n_txn_history; /* Current number of history transactions. */    unsigned int n_txn_history_atoms; /* Total number of atoms in history. */    struct ovs_list txn_history; /* Contains "struct ovsdb_txn_history_node. */    size_t n_atoms;  /* Total number of ovsdb atoms in the database. */    /* Relay mode. */    bool is_relay;  /* True, if database is in relay mode. */    /* List that holds transactions waiting to be forwarded to the server. */    struct ovs_list txn_forward_new;    /* Hash map for transactions that are already sent and waits for reply. */    struct hmap txn_forward_sent;    /* Database compaction. */    struct ovsdb_compaction_state *snap_state;};struct ovsdb_storage {    /* There are three kinds of storage:     *     *    - Standalone, backed by a disk file.  "log" is nonnull, "raft" is     *      null.     *     *    - Clustered, backed by a Raft cluster.  "log" is null, "raft" is     *      nonnull.     *     *    - Memory only, unbacked.  "log" and "raft" are null. */    struct ovsdb_log *log;    struct raft *raft;    char *unbacked_name; /* Name of the unbacked storage. */    /* All kinds of storage. */    struct ovsdb_error *error;  /* If nonnull, a permanent error. */    long long next_snapshot_min; /* Earliest time to take next snapshot. */    long long next_snapshot_max; /* Latest time to take next snapshot. */    /* Standalone only. */    unsigned int n_read;    unsigned int n_written;};struct ovsdb_table {    struct ovsdb_table_schema *schema;    struct ovsdb_txn_table *txn_table; /* Only if table is in a transaction. */    struct hmap rows;           /* Contains "struct ovsdb_row"s. */    /* An array of schema->n_indexes hmaps, each of which contains "struct     * ovsdb_row"s.  Each of the hmap_nodes in indexes[i] are at index "i" at     * the end of struct ovsdb_row, following the "fields" member. */    struct hmap *indexes;    bool log; /* True if logging is enabled for this table. */};struct ovsdb_compaction_state {    pthread_t thread;          /* Thread handle. */    struct ovsdb *db;          /* Copy of a database data to compact. */    struct json *data;         /* "db" as a serialized json. */    struct json *schema;       /* "db" schema json. */    uint64_t applied_index;    /* Last applied index reported by the storage                                * at the moment of a database copy. */    /* Completion signaling. */    struct seq *done;    uint64_t seqno;    uint64_t init_time;        /* Time spent by the main thread preparing. */    uint64_t thread_time;      /* Time spent for compaction by the thread. */};


[root@localhost 713]# vi analysis_dt.py[root@localhost 713]# python3 analysis_dt.py > tmpfile[root@localhost 713]# lsanalysis_dt.py  data_struct  tmpfile[root@localhost 713]# vi tmpfile[root@localhost 713]# dot -Tsvg tmpfile -o my.svg[root@localhost 713]# lsanalysis_dt.py  data_struct  my.svg  tmpfile[root@localhost 713]# eog my.svg







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